Office hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone number, 402-436-1747.
Your child will use the district’s computerized point-of-sale (POS) cash register system to pay for their school meals. Students deposit money into their account which is accessed by entering their PIN number (starts with a “4 or 5”) on a PIN pad. Students will have the same number each school year. If you child is new to the Lincoln Public Schools, a number will be assigned. It is very important your child memorize their number so they can enter it on the PIN pad the first day of school.
Unless your child receives free meals, you will need to deposit money into his/her account. A suggestion for the amount of prepayment would be $41 for elementary, $45 for middle school students and $48 for high school students. This would provide lunch meals for four weeks. More money would be needed to purchase breakfast meals, snacks, extra milk and seconds. Money for your child’s meals can be deposited on-line, at open house, before school or during meal services. Any amount of money may be deposited. As long as your child does not owe money for school meals, cash may be used to pay for a la carte food (second piece of pizza, cookie, milk). Money in an account will be transferred from one school to another if a students changes schools within the Lincoln Public Schools. When money is owed on an account (negative balance) the deposit (pre-payment) always pays off the money owed first and deposits into the account the difference. Students are only allowed to buy snack items, milk or seconds if their account does not have a negative balance. Parents are responsible for paying off the negative balance their child accumulates.
School breakfast is generally offered thirty minutes before school starts to all students. Students have the choice between a hot breakfast (breakfast burrito) or a cold breakfast (cereal). Breakfast also includes milk and 100% fruit juice or fruit. Students who receive free lunch receive a free breakfast. The cost for a student who receives reduced meal benefits is thirty cents for breakfast.
Office hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone number, 402-436-1747.
The Lincoln Public Schools District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information, citizenship status or economic status in its programs, activities and employment.